
What to make the box out of?

Large selection of different corrugated paper (Cardboard) with dfferent flutes. The labels indicate the flute types.


Flexo printer

The main packaging for this project is a strong cardboard box, I have been looking into possible printing processes that would be suitable. I firstly considered Litho however after finding the stock would have to bend trough rollers, i realised it was an un sutible method for my stock. 
I then found the Flexo press. This is the best printing method for my project because the press is designed to print onto cardboard either on sheets or boxes already mounted. It can also be used in the bag industrey (woven PP bags, paper, jute sakcs...) and many other forms of packaging. 
Example of a four colour flexo printer.


Obey the Siberian Husky

During WWII, Sibes served valiantly in the US Army's Arctic Search & Rescue Unit of the Air Transport Command. Since then, they have continued to gain influence in the government and global politics, and according to Whitehouse Intelligence, are close to launching their diabolical World-Domination plot.

I like this simple duotone poster I think i want to produce a similar design for my packaging print.

Funny pet photos from http://ihasahotdog.com/

Some fab cat prints

What pet to get?

In this story, Jack wants a pet but he can’t decide which one to get.  While his mother isn’t really listening when she agrees to let him get a pet, she starts paying attention when he suggests getting an elephant, a lion, or even a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  For each animal, she has a convincing reason why they shouldn’t get it.  Finally they find an animal they can agree on – a little dog.  Readers and Jack’s mom are in for a funny surprise.

This sweet storey is on the similar lines of what my project is based on.


Running dog

I've been trying to learn how to draw (in proportion) active, running dogs. This animation has been helping to get the right shapes.

Sports packaging (To improve your health lifestyle, get a pet)

Dog walking pack needs to appear active and energetic. This would then appeal to those wanting to get fit.
I have started to look at some existing packaging that is designed to appeal to those wanting to be 'sporty, energetic, fun and stylish.'

Keep dog walking !

My packaging would appear similar to these designs however the logo would be design to use dog and walking imagery (not trainers, sports equipment or other band names).

Different shapes of packaging and their nets

So far my design would be printed onto a 'shoe box' sized box. I would design the net to fit onto perhaps a A1 size of material (I'm thinking, a thick cardboard or plastic at the moment, i will do research) the out line would then be trimmed and simply bent into the box shape.
The design could also be mass printed on to a roll of the chosen material.